Monday, September 30, 2019

Preventing bullying in schools: A guide for teachers and other professionals Essay

The issues associated with bullying and violence in school is seen to be rampant even in the community. These issues are related to threats, physical aggression, and harassment and teasing. However, it is important to note that the behavior should not be accepted as it is an anti-social behavior which destabilizes the quality of school environment. At the same time, it is responsible for interfering with the academic performance of the student and social interaction. There are those students that will find themselves suffering from physical and emotional trauma which may lead to extreme cases of violence (Rigby & Australian Council for Educational Research, 2010). Therefore, the main aim of this paper is to condemn the acts associated with bullying and come up with strategies that can be applied by both the parents and the school to stop the acts of bullying and violence in schools and the community. At the same time, the paper will look at the facts associated with bullying and the reasons why students engage themselves in the act in order to come up with the suitable strategy. One of the most fundamental things is to understand the reason as to why majority of the adolescent children become bullies. The term bully is used to ascertain and explain an individual who engages himself in verbal, physical or psychological harassment or aggression towards others. The main reason for them to engage in such behaviors has always been to gain dominance and power over the other individuals (Lee, 2004). Three main issues usually point out to the reason as to why the children might pick up the bullying traits. The first issue is associated with family factors whereby the children might not receive the required supervision from the parents. Children who witness the act of bullying by their parents or siblings have the highest chances of being bullies themselves as they grow up. The children who have negative concepts and perceptions in life are explained to receive the same at home, which is sometimes accompanied by physical punishments (Rigby, 2007). They always live in fear and will find themselves attacking others before they are attacked as a form of protection. As they are bullying the others, they feel comfortable, as it is the only way they can experience importance and power. The second issue is associated with school factor whereby the trait is reinforced as the children intimidate their counterparts (Rigby & Australian Council for Educational Research, 2010). The students that receive negative feedback all the time as compared to other students are vulnerable to become bullies in order to be recognized. The final nature is through peer group factors. Students who are in schools or neighborhoods that advocate bullying will find themselves engaging in these behaviors. They will engage in bullying with the aim to fit in even if they are uncomfortable with the entire behavior. In addition, bullying is seen top be the leading influencer of violence amongst students. Bullies do not have respects for the fundamental human rights and will always resort to violence with the aim or resolving their issues. The retaliation by the victim might lead to fighting and in some cases gang shootings in schools as reports in the past have shown (Lee, 2004). Frustration from both the victim and the bully might lead to vengeful acts of violence. What Schools Can Do Different schools have reactive measures, which help them in curbing bullying and violence in schools. Some measures such as having surveillance cameras, metal detectors and police officers have not been effective as it was expected. Schools have zero tolerance to acts of bullying and violence in schools. The measures sometimes lead to expulsion and suspensions. However, this has been seen to have a negative impact to the life of the victim, as they would end up being victims of violent vengeful attack by the punished student (Lee, 2004). Nonetheless, schools are expected to come up with programs that would prevent bullying and violence in schools at the same time promoting a positive environment for the victims and the bullies. The programs are expected to have participations from parents, students, members of the community and educators. The first aspect deals with providing early intervention. This would mean that the bullies should be intervened while they are in early stages of education such preschool, middle school or in elementary. Schools, groups and the community are expected to advocate for training the students in social skills (Rigby & Australian Council for Educational Research, 2010). This will work if it is applied together with systematic aggression intervention and counseling for students seen to exhibit bullying behaviors. The program is expected to be spear headed by trained mental health personnel and school psychologists who will be responsible for evaluating and selecting the best programs. The schools are also expected to balance between behavioral with discipline support in their system. Clear understanding of the consequences of bullying and violence should be made standard for all the students. The school is expected to impose interventions that are related to positive behaviors, which will be responsible to change the behavior of the students instead of having programs, which are based on solely punishments (Rigby, 2007). The school is also expected to support the efforts of the parents in teaching the children the expected social skills. Parents are expected to reinforce positive behaviors, which are related to good interpersonal interactions. This can be done through social workers, school psychologists and counselors who will intervene whenever a student is a victim or starts exhibit bullying behaviors. The schools are also expected to equip their staff members and teachers with intervention and prevention skills. The teachers are to be trained identifying and responding to damages which might have resulted from victimization. They are to offer positive modeling and feedback which would foster better social interaction. The schools are also responsible for changing the attitude that is presents in bullying. This will enable the students to empower each other. For instance, there is a trend in schools whereby the other students become bystanders and watch as the weak students are being bullied. It is important for schools to teach them to stand for each other and work together to stand against bullies (Lee, 2004). The concept will make the students feel safe whenever they are with their fellow students. What Parents Can Do When it is a question of bullies, the parents are expected to play a crucial part in ensuring their children do not become bullies. They are expected to always notice their children’s attitude and behaviors. This can be in both victims and bullies. For instance, victims of bullying usually exhibit some behaviors that should signal the parents that there is something wrong. The child might sometimes become withdrawn or reluctant when it’s time to go to school which is normally accompanied by stomachache, headache and sleeping problems. The parents should also notify the school’s administration whenever they notice that their child is a victim of bullying. The parents are also expected to teach their children on strategies of countering bullies. The strategies might range from standing up for themselves and confronting the bully with words which might not lead to violence (Rigby & Australian Council for Educational Research, 2010). Children are also required to pos ses’ good social skills whenever they are young. This is the work of the parents to ensure that they do not have bullying traits whenever they are young as it starts as early as two years. Conclusion It is important that both parents are teachers develop good social skills for the children. Bullying traits start from home and will be exhibited in schools. Therefore, there should be strategies and programs set by both parents and teachers. It is essential that adults construct an environment both in school and in homes that will not be conducive for any act of bullying. It is not inevitable that all the children that are growing will have to bully their counterparts. This is a trait that is normally influenced by the people surrounding the student at home, school, peer groups and the content of the media. Nevertheless, the trait can be prevented or untrained by the individual concerned. The main concept is to make the students understand how to treat each other rather than victimizing them through threats and cruelty. The reason as to why this paper takes a firm stand on acts of bullying is due to the fact that the life of the victim is interfered with sometimes permanently. References Lee, C. (2004). Preventing bullying in schools: A guide for teachers and other professionals. London: Paul Chapman. Rigby, K. (2007). Bullying in schools and what to do about it. Camberwell, Vic: ACER. Rigby, K., & Australian Council for Educational Research. (2010). Bullying interventions in schools: Six basic approaches. Camberwell, Vic: ACER Press. Rigby, K., & Australian Council for Educational Research. (2010). Bullying interventions in schools: Six basic approaches. Camberwell, Vic: ACER Press. Indicate that Bullies do not have respects for the fundamental human rights and will always resort to violence with the aim or resolving their issues. The retaliation by the victim might lead to fighting and in some cases gang shootings in schools as reports in the past have shown. Lee, C. (2004). Preventing bullying in schools: A guide for teachers and other professionals. London: Paul Chapman. This research instigates that some measures such as having surveillance cameras, metal detectors and police officers have not been effective as it was expected in curding bullying and violence in schools. Schools have zero tolerance to acts of bullying and violence in schools. Rigby, K. (2007). Bullying in schools and what to do about it. Camberwell, Vic: ACER. Imply that the school is expected to impose interventions that are related to positive behaviors, which will be responsible to change the behavior of the students instead of having programs, which are based on solely punishments. Source document

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Efas Analysis How-to

Synthesis of External Factors—EFAS After strategic managers have scanned the societal and task environments and identified a number of likely external factors for their particular corporation, they may want to refine their analysis of these factors using a form such as that given in Table 3. 4. The EFAS Table (External Factors Analysis Summary) is one way to organize the external factors into the generally accepted categories of opportunities and threats as well as to analyze how well a particular company’s management (rating) is responding to these specific factors in light of the perceived importance (weight) of these factors to the company. To generate an EFAS Table for the company being analyzed, complete the following steps: In Column 1 (External Factors), list the eight to ten most important opportunities and threats facing the company. In Column 2 (Weight), assign a weight to each factor from 1. 0 (Most Important) to 0. 0 (Not Important) based on that factor’s probable impact on a particular company’s current strategic position. The higher the weight, the more important is this factor to the current and future success of the company. (All weights must sum to 1. 0 regardless of the number of strategic factors. ) In Column 3 (Rating), assign a rating to each factor from 5 (Outstanding) to 1 (Poor) based on that particular company’s current response to that particular factor. Each rating is a judgment regarding how well the company is currently dealing with each external factor. 5 43 2 1 Â ¦_________________Â ¦_____________Â ¦_______________Â ¦_______________Â ¦ Out- Above Average BelowPoor standing Average Average In Column 4Â  (Weighted Score), multiply the weight in Column 2 for each factor times its rating in Column 3 to obtain that factor’s weighted score. This results in a weighted score for each factor ranging from 5. 0 (Outstanding) to 1. (Poor) with 3. 0 as average. In Column 5Â  (Comments), note why a particular factor was selected and how its weight and rating were estimated. Finally, add the weighted scores for all the external factors in Column 4 to determine the total weighted score for that particular company. The total weighted score indicates how well a particular company is responding to current and expected factors in its external environment. The score can be used to compare that firm to other firms in its industry. The total weighted score for an average firm in an industry is always 3. 0. As an example of this procedure, Table 3. 4 includes a number of external factors for Maytag Corporation with corresponding weights, ratings, and weighted scores provided. This table is appropriate for 1995 before Maytag sold its European and Australian operations. Note that Maytag’s total weight is 3. 15, meaning that the corporation is slightly above average in the major home appliance industry.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Business Law Memo Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Business Law Memo - Essay Example Unfortunately, the gas attendant incorrectly filled the car with gas worth $27.39 instead of $8.00. However, the plaintiff did not have any cash on him to settle the extra bill, he offered to leave behind his driving license as collateral until in the evening when he would return to settle the whole bill (Robert v. City Fair Lawsuit ). However, the manager of the gas station, Mr. Tommy, refused the collateral and demanded the plaintiff to suck $19.39 worth of gas from his tank. The plaintiff Mr. Robert tried to refuse claiming it is risky. However, he changed his mind when the manager threatened him with a police arrest. As he was siphoning, the plaintiff inhaled and swallowed some gas. The plaintiff Mr. Robert developed some health complications such as constant eye watering, burning of throat and dizziness. The plaintiff visited ER twice for severe abdominal pain and uncontrollable vomiting. The plaintiff has been forced to miss several days of work, avoided leisure activities such as trail running at Tier Park and playing basketball league. His medical bills are rising while his medical condition will remain as such for long if not for life. Furthermore, his family is unable to put up with the rising hospital bill. Statement of the Issue The plaintiff employs our services in the lawsuit against Tommy and City Fair. The plaintiff believes that Tommy and City Fair should be held responsible for his medical conditions. According to the plaintiff, had the gas attendant followed the instruction careful, he would not have been forced to siphon any gas. His health condition would be normal. Analysis of the Case The plaintiff’s only mistake was forgetting credit card at home. Furthermore, the plaintiff seemed in a hurry and scared of the police. From the look of things, the defendant took advantage of the plaintiff fear of the police and manipulated him. Tommy and City Fair violated business ethics and risked the health of the plaintiff. Their first mistake w as to employee incompetent gas attendants who could not follow instructions. As a result, the attendant filled the car with more gas than required. It is correct to argue that the gas attendant caused the misfortune. Secondly, Tommy the manager refused to accept the driving license as collateral until the evening when the plaintiff would have settled the bill. By the fact the plaintiff was willing to leave behind his driving license, is a clear indication that he was willing to take responsibility and settle the matter. However, the defendant refused the security and instead forced the plaintiff to suck the contaminated gas. This gas has risked the health of the plaintiff. Another mistake made by the defendant is allowing contact with risky goods. This has been proved by the doctor who concluded that the gas is responsible for the plaintiff health condition. Apart from the plaintiff, the gas might also affect the health condition of employees working for the station or customers who are forced to suck when they fail to pay. In this case the defendant has a product liability. He is responsible for selling defective goods to customers. Another mistake made by the defendant is forcing the complainant to siphon the gas using inappropriate tools. In the vent that the plaintiff had appropriate siphoning equipments, then his health would have been okay. It is fundamental to acknowledge that consumer laws in Pennsylvania advocate fro protection and

Friday, September 27, 2019

Helen Keller who has had a significant influence on me Essay

Helen Keller who has had a significant influence on me - Essay Example To this very day, I can still remember how Keller struggled to find a way to overcome her disabilities. Her perseverance and passion truly touched me. I never thought that after another five years since kindergarten, I would be here in the United States, Helen Keller’s homeland. The first sight of the blue, cloudless sky was exhilarating. I am lucky, I thought to myself. This is the land of freedom and opportunity. However, I had not expected the difficulties that were lying ahead of me. My years in elementary and middle school were not so much enjoyable. I often had to take out my pocket-sized dictionary to grasp the meaning of unfamiliar words. Then people often made fun out of me. It was like trying to walk blindly in the dark. My parents on the other hand were very busy trying to make a living while I had to endure the harsh reality on my own. When people talked, I could not understand what they were saying. When I needed something, I could not open my mouth to ask simply because I did not know any English. Periodically, I borrowed short stories and interesting fictions to read so that I could improve my English skills. During that time, I could barely read a single page without spending more than ten minutes on it, trying to figure out each word I did not understand. I knew it would be extremely tedious to finish all the books, but in order to be successful, I had to master all these English phrases and words. Whenever I got bored and lost inspiration, I thought of Helen Keller and how she overcame her difficulties. I would keep going, no matter what it took to finish the book I would be reading. Seven years have passed since my journey to the U.S. Currently, I am enrolled at Stuyvesant High School, one of the most prestigious high schools in the United States. I am grateful that the individual who has had the single highest degree of influence on me is Helen Keller. I realize that I could never be where I am today had it not been

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Online social enterprise Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Online social enterprise - Essay Example This study is totally based on secondary research. Marketing strategy is a common phenomenon adopted by organizations. The major objective of this strategy is to communicate brand message to target audience. Every firm encompasses a specific brand message to be conveyed so as to drag attention of target group. There are different approaches which are effectively utilized by organizations as their marketing tools and techniques. In earlier years, focus was on traditional marketing practices but in recent years new digital concepts have been included in the system. Digital marketing approaches are inclined towards adopting advanced technologies in order to transmit required message to audience. Social media is an innovative platform incorporated by many firms. There are different aspects of social media like spreading awareness, involving target group in campaigning activities, generating funds, highlighting special elements of the brand, etc. In this study, more emphasis shall be given on analyzing the concept of social media. It is observed that social media concept differs in commercial firms in comparison to social firms. Social enterprises utilizes social media concept to generate funds and spread awareness amongst public. It is essential that charities are able to communicate its noble cause or social message to target audience. Lack of awareness at times deprives social enterprises from collecting funds. On the other hand, social media have been portrayed as a platform for conducting branding activities of commercial firms. These kinds of firms require extensive promotional activities so as to remain competitive in the industry. In this particular study, differences and similarities of using social media by charities and commercial firms shall be further elaborated. Social media in current scenario is becoming an important constituent for all organizations. Internet technology development has contributed magnificently towards accessing

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Take home Exam Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Take home Exam - Essay Example Please utilize the space that you feel is necessary to fully answer the questions. You are encouraged to use the materials provided in class and on Blackboard: 1. On a Sunday night, an 8th grade student shares via Instagram, a drawing, crude but clear suggesting a specific teacher should be shot and killed. The students in the school then shared the picture with other students and it went viral. By Monday morning, all of the students were discussing the threat in classes and many students did not come to school or called their parents to go home for fear of what might occur. Can the student be suspended for this form of speech? Explain your answer including an analysis of the legal standards and applicable case law. According to the Education Centre and other various advocacies dealing with state student discipline, they argue that in this kind of case, students should be suspended from school or even expulsion regardless of age and are not obligated by state statute or regulations for alternative provision of education to those students chased away from schools. This will serve as a discipline action and an example to other students who think to come up with those types of illegal ideas. 2. Student is texting in class and the teacher takes his phone and turns it into the office. Later that day, the principal learns that the student has been bullying other peers via social media. The principal searches the student’s phone and opens his social media applications finding teasing statements posted in response to other student’s tweets on Twitter. The principal suspends the student for bullying. Was the search of the cell phone justified? Explain your answer including an analysis of the legal standards and applicable case law. The teacher searching the cell phone was a legal action because he or she had a reason. He/she wanted to know the information,

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

MPC Relationship With Its Large Global Customers Case Study

MPC Relationship With Its Large Global Customers - Case Study Example Moreover certain value-added services that were provided to the clients which helped in improving and bolstering its relationship with the clients. The relationship between the suppliers and the clients is guided by the bargaining power of the supplier/the buyer. The supplier dictates the shots if it has a higher bargaining power and conversely, the client has an upper hand when it has a higher bargaining power. In this case, there are only a few players I the market. Moreover, with high entry costs, the entry of new players is quite difficult. This gives MPC a higher bargaining power. The bargaining power also defines the value division. The bargaining of the supplier with the client the amount the supplier gets for providing its clients with the important resources. The figure above depicts the relationship between the client and the supplier using a line segment. The top level of the line represents the value that has been received by the buyer. This value is equal to the willingness of the buyer to pay for the goods or services minus the amount that has been paid by the organization. The middle segment represents the value that has been captured by the firm. The lowermost position of the segment defines the value that has been acquired by the supplier. (Brandenburger M, Stuart HW, n.d.). The figure above gives a model on how suppliers should rate its clients. MPC must use the model stated in the figure to analyze its relationship with the clients. It should divide its clients on the basis of relative value and its attractiveness. MPC can also use its rapport with its clients to set up bases in the low-cost destinations. This would allow the company to make its presence in those markets while creating entry barriers for the new players. This would also give MPC a foothold in a new and emerging market. The firm can employ the model of Brandenburger and Stuart for creating new value in their product offering. This model is based on the concepts of value  creation and added value which represents the size of the profit to be shared and how to share that profit respectively.  

Monday, September 23, 2019

SCHOOLS & SOCIETY Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

SCHOOLS & SOCIETY - Essay Example NECAP clearly ‘represent critical learning targets for literacy and numeracy† ( The NECAP covered the following states: New Hampshire, Vermont and Rhode Island. According to the department of education website, its main objective is to assess reading, writing and mathematics from grades 3-8. The third document is the Common Core Standards which is actually a set of core academic standards for mathematics and English Language Arts. Unlike NECAP, literacy in the following areas were also addressed by the core standards: history/social studies, science and technical subjects. In fact, Maine has already been implementing this set of core standards since last school year. The first document is Maine’s Initial Certification Standards. The document is in a pdf format and serves as a quick reference for those who are interested in acquiring teacher certification in Maine. The document is only two pages long but contains precise requirements (teaching skills) tha t a person must possess to become a teacher. There are 10 general objectives with specific details on how to accomplish the objectives aforementioned. There is no subject area mentioned because this document is a general reference for all entry-level teachers. The objectives do not only cover skills but also expected behavioral outcomes. For example, the ninth objective states that teachers must be aware of their legal and ethical commitments. The general objective is further elaborated by defining five abilities that they must possess to show their commitment. One of these abilities include â€Å"maintaining confidentiality in their dealings with parents, students, teachers and school personnel† (MICS). An interested applicant would surely find the document very helpful because the expectations are stated clearly. The NECAP (also known as Grade Level Expectations) is important in assessing the performance of students from grades 3-8. The NECAP results are part of the Stateâ €™s Accountability Standards that is integrated under the No Child Left Behind Act of 2001. The GLE covers reading, mathematics and writing. The document that was browsed was NECAP Mathematics, which fully states the desired learning outcomes that each grade level must attain. The document is in pdf format and thirteen pages long, which requires familiarity with teaching concepts in mathematics education. Teachers who are math majors can fully benefit from reading these set of guidelines developed for the state of Maine. The last document is Common Core Standards of Maine which was promulgated by Public Law 647, â€Å"An Act to Adopt the Common Core State Standards Initiative†. This set of core standards is applicable to Kindergarten to grade 12, which includes â€Å"rigorous grade-level expectations in the areas of speaking, listening, reading, and writing to prepare all students to be college and career ready, including English language learners†( Common Core mai So the standards have been implemented last year for mathematics and reading. The document is sixty-six pages long and in a pdf format. Teachers can greatly benefit from the standards because it illustrates the standards for each grade level. Furthermore, teachers can use the standard to help them plan their lessons and teaching strategies so learners can comply with the given standards. Similarity of Documents All three documents are crucial to

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Three Sociological Perspectives Essay Example for Free

Three Sociological Perspectives Essay Generally, there are three sociological perspectives that sociologists use today to approach certain topics regarding the society.   These theoretical perspectives are symbolic interactionist, functional analysis, and conflict. These theoretical perspectives hold different approaches in terms of viewing the society as a whole. These different theoretical perspectives can also provide different approaches for different people depending on how it suits them.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The symbolic interactionist perspective is a sociological perspective that generalizes everyday or fundamental forms of social interaction (Schaeffer and Lamm, 1998). The interactionist perspective, as the word suggests, focuses more on the small groups interact with each other.   The interactionist perspective focuses more on small groups in order to understand society as a whole. So basically it sees society as a product of the interaction to these small groups.   If I were to put this perspective into use, I can view myself as an individual who has certain responsibilities to fulfill in my family. In a larger picture, my family has responsibilities to perform in the society.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   In the functional analysis perspective, the structure of the society is given more focus to achieve stability (Schaeffer and Lamm, 1998). It focuses on the functions and dysfunctions of institutions within the society. For example, I am a student, thus I have a specific function to fulfill within the group I belong in, my school. Namely, I have to study and participate in the institution wherein I belong.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   According to American functionalist sociologist, Robert Merton, there are two types of human functions under the category of functional analysis perspective. There are the manifest functions and latent functions. The manifest functions, as the word suggest, are functions pertaining to the obvious and explicit. Manifest functions can be easily identified by the merely use of common sense. Latent functions deals with the subtle and implicit. It is very hard to determine and pinpoint these latent functions as opposed to manifest functions that only require common sense. Latent functions require sociological approaches to be determined.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚     The conflict perspective argues that the structure of society is a product of conflicts, may it be past or ongoing. This perspective draws much from the works of Karl Marx on class conflict (Schaeffer and Lamm, 1998). If I am to use this perspective on my education, my education is a product of my past conflict which is the lower levels of education. It is also my ongoing conflict as I am still striving to graduate.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   There are also levels of analysis that we can use to view topics in the society. There are the micro and macro levels of analysis. These sociological concepts are also known as macrosociology and microsociology. Basically, it is almost self-explanatory. Micro pertains to the â€Å"small picture† and macro is about the â€Å"big picture.† The micro level of analysis is much focused on the small societal patterns. It is more meticulous on the small details of the structure of society. On the other hand, the macro level of analysis is all about the larger societal patterns ( An example of analysis on the macro level is the three sociological perspectives that I have presented in this paper: symbolic interactionist, functional analysis, and conflict. All three theoretical perspectives are on the macro level of analysis since they all have a different view of the society as a whole. However, it is argued by many critics that the symbolic interactionist perspective is on the micro level since it focuses more on the details rather than the whole of society. Reference 2008, January 4. Three Major Perspectives in Sociology. Retrieved January 4, 2008 from,articleId-2687.html Schaefer, R. T., Lamm, R. P.   (1998).   Sociology.   New York: The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Pros and Cons Essay Example for Free

Pros and Cons Essay Globalization can be defined as the increasing flow of products, people, money, and ideas across the globe. National economies are being swept into the global economy. One can thus think of globalization as rushing through four channels: †¢ Freer trade goods; †¢ Freer mobility of labor; †¢ Freer investment; and †¢ Freer communication, thanks to telecommunications and the Internet. Pros and Cons 1. Capitalism Free enterprise is now the dominant economic system in the world. China is very much capitalist and her late Communist Party leader Deng Xiaoping coined the slogan, â€Å"To get rich is glorious. † Only Cuba and North Korea are holding on to the central planning system of running the economy. Capitalism brings along free trade and the free flow of money across the earth. Countries belonging to the World Trade Organization are trying to bring down tariff barriers. Today, immense portfolio investments zip in and out of countries at the click of a mouse (Baylis Smith, 2001). With free trade comes economic integration. It is possible to download an album of songs in the United States of America, turn it into CDs in Europe, print the cover and lyric sheet in France, and sell it in Asia. The greatest story of economic integration is the European Union, with its common currency, the euro (Brecher Costello, 2004). 2. Information economy Another driving force is the knowledge economy. Land, labor and capital are bowing in importance to brain creativity. In the United Kingdom, over a three-year span, manual jobs dropped by 750,000, while professional jobs shot up by 1. 5 million (Brecher Costello, 2004). 3. Mass Media The invention of the printing press helped scattered people become a national community. In the same way, the evening news is nurturing world’s community. The suffering in India and Indonesia are brought home through CNN. 4. Telecoms There is a global boom in telecommunications. A fourth of all Europeans, have mobile phones. The people in Finland gave the greatest access to cell phones at 417 for every 1,000 people (Brecher Costello, 2004). Reference: 1. Baylis, John, and Smith, Steve, eds. The Globalization of World Politics. 2nd ed. , 2001. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 2. Brecher, Jeremy, and Costello, Tim. Global Village or Global Pillage: Economic Reconstruction from the Bottom Up. Boston, MA: South End Press, 2004. Radical critique of recent patterns of economic globalization.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Kaiser Meyer Olkin Measure Of Sampling Adequacy Media Essay

Kaiser Meyer Olkin Measure Of Sampling Adequacy Media Essay 21stcentury has witnessed the advent development of a lot of technologies. Due to the advent of technology it becomes easier for people to take the advantage of the same. The role of television as a media is increasing day by day. Now we can see a lot of people opting for DTH, now we dont have to rely on the cable to see the programmes. Due to this the viewership of people has increased to a greater extent. There was a time when people enjoyed watching religious serials, educational programmes, movies songs which provided entertainment. But now the meaning of entertainment seems to have changed and now a day reality shows has become the flavor of small screen. The small screen has been flooded with reality shows, namely X Factor, Just Dance, Little Champs, MTV Roadies,  Emotional Atyachar, Ratan Ka Rishta,  Comedy  ka maha mukabala, MTV Stunt Mania, Kaun Banega Crorepati, etc. and the list goes on. Moreover, most of the reality shows have been hosted by one celebrity or other. The basic assumption underlying celebrity hosting the reality show is that the value associated with the celebrity is transferred to the brand of the reality show and therefore helps to create an image that can be easily referred by consumers. Consequently by association the reality show can very quickly establish the Creditability, get immediate recognition and improved viewership. However, there are many risks associated with such hosts. The viewership could slide down just as quickly as it moved up the consumers mind due to some problem in celebrity image, career graph etc. Literature Review (Khatri, July-Dec. 2006) has opined that celebrity endorsement does not itself guarantee sales. It can create a buzz and make a consumer feel better about the product, which in turn has to come to expectation of customers as a real star by delivering the promise. (Ogunsiji, 2012) has pointed out that Global brand endorsements demand a global brand management team. Thus regional and international organization is in place to maintain brand leadership through proper effective celebrity endorsements. So, companies with large brand portfolios need to have separate managers for each brand and its promotion. (S.K.Dube, 2011) has observed that in India today, The use of celebrity advertising for companies has become a trend and a perceived as winning formula of corporate image building and product marketing. The use of celebrity for brand promotion is increasing day by day but it cannot be treated as an assured strategic tool to enhance market share, demand of the product or even profit because it mainly depends upon suitability of celebrity with a product and brand as well. (Kineta Hung, 2011) found that findings from a survey involving 1,030 respondents from a national panel of consumers, showed that consumer celebrity worship is a significant antecedent to endorser effects; over-endorsement by a celebrity is an important moderator; and the model is robust across both sports and entertainment celebrities. (Gouranga, 2011) concluded that celebrity is an important factor of interest to generate more positioning of interest in the minds of consumers rather than message and background set up at the time of recall in advertisements. So celeb rity acts as an effective component of advertisement to make the advertisements more effective. (Jayant Sonwalkar, 2011) Observed that in a country like India, celebrities act as major opinion leaders and since awareness levels are low, celebrities play a major role in brand recall. Celebrities are helpful in initiating a desired state need among people. The respondents usually pay attention to those advertisements using celebrity icons. The study conducted by him also revealed that to some what extent celebrities initiate an action to buy that product. (PiligrimienÄ-, 2011) has found that the sport celebrity can be used when its possible to find a link between the product and sport, or when the company wants its customers to relate the product with the sport, active and healthy life style. (Ibrahim, 2010) Observed that using celebrity where the measurable results of such high cost strategy do not justify the amount of money that companies spend on utilizing celebrities. The allocated budget for using celebrities needs to be reallocated in other marketing areas such as marketing research and marketing insights to understand customers needs in more details. (Datta, 2010) has concluded that there are lots of challenges involved in finding in right celebrity match with product or service. Further he opined that for the success of celebrity endorsement right fit between celebrity and band endorsed is must. Objectives Aims and objective of the study: In this changing world consumers preferences toward reality shows is increasing and they are finding these reality shows as a good source of entertainment. Most of the reality television programmes are getting good response due to their respective hosts. How much an effective a particular host is? Does the response of consumers change due to change of celebrity host? Is the personality of the host is matching the personality of television programme? This study can help the sponsors and producers of programmes to choose an appropriate host for their reality show. Further this study can help in enhancing the viewership of reality programme. Objectives of the study 1. To know the factors affecting consumer preference towards Indian reality shows 2. To study the reason of variation of viewership in program Kaun Banega Crorpati between year 2000 to 2011 3. To study the compatibility of host personality (Amitabh Bacchan Shahrukh Khan) with respect to Kaun Banega Crorpati Need of the Study Reality shows has become important part of the many peoples life. Now a days we are seeing a lot of Indian reality shows on television. Now most of the channels who wants more TRP are coming up with a new reality shows. Competition in this field has also increased to a greater extent. So producers of reality shows start hiring super stars for hosting there show. Producers are spending millions of rupees on hosts. Different people have different perceptions regarding the celebrity hosts. Some people might enjoy seeing a particular host in a reality show, but some people do not like that host.Every celebrity is having his/her own personality. A marketer needs to know that whether the hosts personality is matching to the personality of the program he is hosting. This research can help the marketer to know that what kind of host would be appropriate for his show. If the marketer can make the right choice in selecting the host for his program, he can beat the competition and can have highest TRP for his/her reality program. Scope of the Study: The scope of study is confined to Indian reality programs and data has been collected from people residing in Jalandhar and Phagwara region of Punjab. In this study we have taken one of the most popular Indian reality show Kaun Banega Crorepati.Here researchers has tried to find the factors which affects consumers preference towards Indian reality shows. Further, researchers have tried to find the reason of variation in viewership of Kaun Banega Crorepati from 2000 to 2011 along with host compatibility with programme Kaun Banega Crorepati. Research Design: Here, by and large descriptive study has been followed. Researchers are trying to discover the insights that how the host personality is affecting the consumer preferences towards the Indian reality shows. Survey method with the help of structured questionnaire will be used for the data collection the data collected will be analysed quantitatively and this also qualifies that our research design is descriptive in nature. Here we are also trying to find out the reason of variation of viewership for this researcher will conduct one focus group discussion to find out the aforesaid objective. So our research design is also exploratory to some extent. Sampling Design Target Population: People residing in Jalandhar and Phagwara, who watch Indian reality show like Kaun Banega Crorepati Sampling Technique: In this research Convenience sampling has been used. This is a type of Non Probabilistic sampling. As everyone dont watch reality programme like KBC, so only those people have been surveyed who watch these programmes. Sample Size and data collection: In this research Sample size 300 respondents from Jalandhar and Phagwara of Punjab region has been collected. Researchers has used structured questionnaire for this purpose. In the questionnaire for measuring attitude five point Likert scale has been used. Few dichotomous questions have also been used to understand respondents behavioral pattern. A focus group of 11 people consisting different age group and occupation was conducted to find out the reason of variation in viewership of KBC during 2000 to 2012.Secondary data has been collected from Internet, books, periodicals, magazines etc. Time period of Data: The data is collected in between the time frame of month January 2012 to June 2012 across Phagwara city and Jalandhar city and its suburbs. Pilot testing: Researchers have done pilot testing by using convenience sampling technique. A sample of 35 was taken for this purpose. A questionnaire containing Likert Scale was instrumented for this purpose. Reliability testing for the pilot survey was decent with Cronbachs Alpha 0.697. Some necessary changes as per requirement were made in the questionnaire after conducting pilot survey. Data Analysis: Demographic variables like Gender, Age, Occupation etc. has been used for profiling of the customer. Also, profiling has been done on the basis of variables like does respondent watch reality programmes on television, does respondent watch KBC etc. from literature survey lots of variable has been found which affects consumer preference towards Indian reality shows. So, Factor analysis has been used to identify the important factors out of several variables. Apart from this a Focus group was conducted to know the reason of variation in viewership of KBC from 2000 to 2012. Brief Summary of tools used for analysis: 1. Descriptive Statistics: For profiling of customers. 2. Factor Analysis: To identify important factors affecting consumer preference towards Indian reality Show 3. Q Score: To understand host compatibility with popular show KBC 4. Focus Group: To understand the reason of variation in viewership of KBC from 2000 to 2012. Frequency Distribution Here frequency distribution of the 300 respondents has been displayed who prefer to watch different reality shows. Researcher has found that out of 300 respondents, 127 respondents most preferred Indian reality show is Kaun Banega Crorepati. However in response we have also found that all the 300 respondents were aware of Indian television reality show Kaun Banega Crorepati and they have watched it at least once. 2.Can you tell the names of celebrities who have hosted the show? Researchers provided different option of celebrities name for this question, in which again all the 300 respondents were able to answer this correctly. Respondents were able to identify both hosts of KBC Amitabh Bachhan and Shahrukh khan. Who is the better host Amitabh Bachhan or Shahrukh khan for KBC. Researcher has found out that out of 300 respondents 254 has chosen Amitabh Bachhan as a better host only 46 has chosen Shahrukh Khan as a better host. FACTOR ANALYSIS Factor analysis was performed to know which are important factors which affect respondents preference towards watching Indian reality show. Questionnaires were administered to a sample of 348 respondents, after scrutiny researcher has removed 48 questionnaires due to errors in response. The data based on Likert scale, which was meant for measuring respondents preference was entered into SPSS data sheet. Before applying Factor analysis Reliability test was performed and then data was subjected to Factor analysis by using Principal Components Analysis (PCA) method. KMO Value which determines the sample adequacy was found .816 which was highly satisfactory. Varimax rotation for orthogonal factors with Kaiser Normalization was considered to get the % of variance explained for 13 statements in the questionnaire. To find the relevant factors Eigen value of greater than 1 was considered. A table of Rotated Component Matrix is generated with the help of SPSS and three factors were derived. H ere Factor loading above 0.50 are considered for Factor analysis. Then, the factors are derived based on the statements that have gone into each factor. The list of factors along with the supporting statements is displayed in Table 4. KMO and Bartletts Test Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin Measure of Sampling Adequacy. .816 Bartletts Test of Sphericity Approx. Chi-Square 1.322E3 Df 78 Sig. .000 Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin test is applied to check out the adequacy of data. Here, it has been found more than 0.816, which is more than desired value of 0.5. Rotated Component Matrixa Component 1 2 3 1.Influence of host personality .079 .070 .857 2.For the sake of knowledge -.034 .445 .662 3.Just for Enjoyment .326 .264 .331 4.Come on my favourite channel .786 .190 -.094 5.Because of peer influence .856 .208 -.032 6.Family Influence .816 .142 .135 7.Perfect timings .611 -.061 .467 8.Content of the show .054 .289 .629 9.Match with my personality .302 .529 .260 10.Like the way of portraying .359 .099 .070 11.For viewers questions .271 .709 .158 12.Challenge human capabilities .083 .854 .094 13.Platform for common people .150 .730 .243 Factor List Channel, peer family influence competition and connect with common people Host Knowledge Come on my favourite channel Match with my personality Influence of host personality Because of peer Influence For viewers questions For the sake of knowledge Family influence Challenge human capabilities Content of the show Perfect timings Platform for common people Description of the factors Factor 1, refers to, Channel peer and family influence and contributes to 33.978% variance. This factor is described in terms of Favorite channel, peer influence, family influence, and perfect timing of the show telecast. Factor 2, describes the competition and connect with common people contributes to 14.352% variance. This factor refers to Questions for viewers, challenge human capabilities, match with my personality and platform for common people. Factor 3, focuses on Knowledge and content and it contributes to 8.865% variance. This factor includes statements like influence of the host personality, for the sale of knowledge and content of the show Focus Group discussion to find out the reason of variation in viewership of KBC: To find out the reasons in variation of the viewership of reality show KBC, focus group was focus group 11 people from different age group and back ground were selected. Main finding of the focus group has been summarized below: It was observed during the discussion that, Change in the host of KBC from Amitabh Bachchan to Shahrukh Khan for Kaun Banega Crorepati has a great inverse impact on variation in viewership. During focus group participating people noted saying that Amitabh Bachchans personality matches with the personality of show. Most of the people felt that, Kaun Banega Crorpati is a kind of Quiz show where seriousness of the host, proper discipline and intellectuality of the host is required. These all are the qualities possessed by Amitabh bachhan., which can be attributed to the success of Amitabh bacchan as a host of KBC. A lots of other reality shows like Dus Ka Dum, Khatron Ke Khiladi etc. came on silver screen after the intial success of KBC, which also impacted the viewership of KBC. However, most of the Quiz show hosted by other super stars was similar in nature. Four participants of focus group discussion who were female observed that as KBC was coming on Sony television from 9 PM to 10 PM on week days, and a lot of family serials were also being telecasted on different television channels on same time slots. Here, these female participants felt that they preferred watching family serial rather than KBC. Five participants, who were doing jobs, found that KBC show used to come on working days and these people after coming exhausted from office looking for some refreshment programs, they were not interested in watching a show where they need to apply their mind. It was also observed that most of the participants were agreeing that voice quality, overall personality and matureness of Amitabh bachhan was very good which was lacking in Sahrukh khan as a host of KBC, however later was observed charming and informal. Q score Technique Applying the Q score technique to determine the familiarity, popularity and compatibility of two stalwart (Amitabh Bachhan and Shahrukh khan) among Indian celebrities as a host of KBC based on feedback from the respondent from different demographic background will be very relevant and useful for producers and directors in identifying and selecting the appropriate celebrity as a host of their respective reality shows. Q score to help choose the right celebrity host for reality show Q Score is normally used by marketing firms to select the right celebrity for endorsing their product/ services and determining the popularity ranking of the celebrities as per the consumers response. The Q score answers the question how appealing and popular is the celebrity among those who do know him or her? Advertisers and advertising agencies can refer to Q rating score of a celebrity for choosing the right celebrity. In this process respondents are asked to indicate two things first Whether they have seen / heard about the selected celebrities? Secondly, if yes- then the respondents are asked to rate the celebrities on a five point Likert scale scale that includes One of my Favourite, Very Good, Good, Fair or Poor. Calculating Q ratings:- Q rating is calculated by taking the percentage of respondents who indicate that a celebrity is ONE OF MY FAVOURITE and dividing that number by the percentage of respondents who indicate that they have heard of that Celebrity. Here, researcher has calucated Q score to check the compatibility of host personality (Amitabh Bacchan Shahrukh Khan) with respect to Kaun Banega Crorpati. Q scores for Amitabh Bachchan: A= How many people know Amitabh Bachchan as a host for KBC/ Total number of respondents Here all 300 respondents were aware about Amitabh Bachchan as a host for KBC So A= 300/300 = 1 B= how many respondents rate Favourite/ total number of respondents As 184 respondents answered favourite Amitabh Bachchan as a host for KBC So, B=184/300 Q Score = B/A= 184/300*100 = 61.3 Q scores for Shahrukh Khan: A= How many people know Shahrukh khan as a host for KBC/ Total number of respondents Here all 300 respondents were aware about Shahrukh khan as a host for KBC So A= 300/300 = 1 B= how many respondents rate Favourite/ total number of respondents As 70 respondents answered favourite Shahrukh khan as a host for KBC So, B=70/300 Q Score = B/A= 70/300*100 = 23.3 Analysis: Based on survey researcher find that Amitabh Bachchan is having a Q score of 61.3 Shahrukh Khan has a Q score of 23.3. Generally Q score more than 50 is considered good. This indicates that Amitabh Bachchan is a better host for Kaun Banega Crorepati rather than Shahrukh khan. Summary of research findings Compatibility of host personality with the reality show is one of the most important factor for the success of reality show. Apart from compatibility show timing, nature of show, content of the show also contributes towards success of the show. Factor analysis concluded that Channel peer and family, competition connect with common people and knowledge content are the important factors which affects people preference towards watching reality show. As a host of KBC, overall personality and matureness of Amitabh bachhan was very good which was lacking in Sahrukh khan as a host of KBC, however later was observed charming and informal. This is one of the main reasons of the success of Amitabh Bachhan as a KBC host. Based on focus group we found came to conclusion that the reasons of variation in viewership of KBC between 2000 to 2012 are timings of the show, change of host of show, coming up of new reality shows, the content of the show is same from last five seasons which has created a boredom, increase in the number of channels etc. Based on Q score analysis it can be derived that : Based on survey researcher found out that Amitabh Bacchant is having a Q score of 61.3 Shahrukh Khan has a Q score of 23.3. This indicates that Amitabh Bachchan is a better host for Kaun Banega Crorepati rather than Shahrukh khan Conclusion After conducting this research it can be concluded that competition connect with common people, Channel, peer family influence and Knowledge content are three important factors which affect the consumer preferences towards Indian reality shows. Apart from the fact that KBC is being hosted by Amitabh Bachhan, reality show like KBC has become popular due to the reason that it is a platform for common people and the knowledge of the people is also increasing by watching this kind of show. Researchers come to the conclusion that the reasons of variation in viewership are primarily because of timings of the show is not appropriate because this show used to come on a time slot of 9 PM-10 PM which is a prime time and due to this clash of timing between different popular shows. People were in a habit of watching Amitabn Bchchan in the KBC as a host,but in the third season Shahrukh Khan came into picture the TRP of the show fell drastically. Most of the people think Amitabh Bachchans pers onality best matches with the show and change in the personality show caused sharp decline in viewership. This research will go a long way in helping the advertising agency, directors producers of reality show, who can make this, research a basis in selection of the celebrity for endorsement and celebrity as host for reality shows. Future Research The scope of this research study may be further enhanced by incorporating different reality sho in the research. This research can also be extended further for deciding celebrity for endorsement purpose.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Peacemaking Process Essay -- International Conflict

WWI is considered the war to end all wars but what procedures were used to make this statement possible. In 4 years this war claimed the lives of approximately 20 million people and physically destroyed most of Europe. This left most of the world in despair and sparked the idea of obtaining world peace. The first step used to launch this task was the Treaty of Versailles. An organization known as the League of Nations was created as a result of this treaty and it played a vital role in this peace making process. This new organization drafted a plan known as the mandate systems which handled the dealings of the territory lost during the war. These steps were made to stop wars like this from ever happening again but did it accomplish that goal? Could any provisions be made to more successfully keep the world in peace after such a clash? Who was to blame for the war and how was Europe going to start the process of reconstructing? After such an epic battle questions like these were oblig ated to be answered. On June 28, 1914, a Siberian named Gavrilo Princip exterminated Archduke Franz Ferdinand and his wife Sophie in Sarajevo, Bosnia. (The Death of Archduke Franz Ferdinand and the Outbreak of World War I) Ferdinand was the heir to the Austro-Hungarian throne. Ferdinand was seen as threat to an organization known as the Black Hand. Black Hand’s main goal was achieve independent Serbian state and they felt that Ferdinand's plans to grant concessions to the South Slavs would jeopardize that. (Archduke Franz Ferdinand) The assassination led to the Austro-Hungarian invasion of Serbia on July 28th. The invasion caused other countries such as Germany, France, Russia, and others to engage in battle because of treaties and deals made earlier..." History Learning Site. 3 5 2012 . "League og Nations." History Learning Site. 3 May 2012 . "The Death of Archduke Franz Ferdinand and the Outbreak of World War I." The History Channel. 3 May 2012 . "The Trusteeship Council - The mandate system of the league of nations." Nations Encyclopedia. 3 5 2012 . "Treaty of Versailles." History Learning Site. 3 May 2012 . "World War 1." Berkely . 3 May 2012 . Peacemaking Process Essay -- International Conflict WWI is considered the war to end all wars but what procedures were used to make this statement possible. In 4 years this war claimed the lives of approximately 20 million people and physically destroyed most of Europe. This left most of the world in despair and sparked the idea of obtaining world peace. The first step used to launch this task was the Treaty of Versailles. An organization known as the League of Nations was created as a result of this treaty and it played a vital role in this peace making process. This new organization drafted a plan known as the mandate systems which handled the dealings of the territory lost during the war. These steps were made to stop wars like this from ever happening again but did it accomplish that goal? Could any provisions be made to more successfully keep the world in peace after such a clash? Who was to blame for the war and how was Europe going to start the process of reconstructing? After such an epic battle questions like these were oblig ated to be answered. On June 28, 1914, a Siberian named Gavrilo Princip exterminated Archduke Franz Ferdinand and his wife Sophie in Sarajevo, Bosnia. (The Death of Archduke Franz Ferdinand and the Outbreak of World War I) Ferdinand was the heir to the Austro-Hungarian throne. Ferdinand was seen as threat to an organization known as the Black Hand. Black Hand’s main goal was achieve independent Serbian state and they felt that Ferdinand's plans to grant concessions to the South Slavs would jeopardize that. (Archduke Franz Ferdinand) The assassination led to the Austro-Hungarian invasion of Serbia on July 28th. The invasion caused other countries such as Germany, France, Russia, and others to engage in battle because of treaties and deals made earlier..." History Learning Site. 3 5 2012 . "League og Nations." History Learning Site. 3 May 2012 . "The Death of Archduke Franz Ferdinand and the Outbreak of World War I." The History Channel. 3 May 2012 . "The Trusteeship Council - The mandate system of the league of nations." Nations Encyclopedia. 3 5 2012 . "Treaty of Versailles." History Learning Site. 3 May 2012 . "World War 1." Berkely . 3 May 2012 .

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Was the U.S. Right or Wrong Using the Atomic Bomb in ?Hiroshima? Essay

  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The history over few centuries shows that the Japanese never gave up, that they always choose â€Å"death† than â€Å"surrender†. These two articles which I was studying very carefully, shows two opposite opinions about the necessity of using the atomic bomb to the end of World War II. Gar Alperowicz, in his article, â€Å"Hiroshima Remembered: The U.S. was Wrong†, the evidence to prove that America didn’t need to use atomic bomb on Hiroshima and Nagashaki to end the war.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Contrary to this article John Connnor in his article â€Å"Hiroshima Remembered: The U.S. was Right† is trying to prove and convince reader that using atomic bomb on Hiroshima was necessary to end the war and it saved tremendous amount of American and Japanese lives. John Connor is using very emotional and very graphic language in his article. He called Japanese the â€Å"militarists† who are implacable, relentless enemies for â€Å"whom surrender was worse than death!† Their resistance was â€Å"savage† to the end in each battle they participate. As a proof of this, he mentioned the battle in Tarawa in 1943 where only 17 soldiers remain alive out of 5,000 soldiers â€Å"when the island was taken.† Another example is the battle in Saipan where only one thousand soldiers of 32,000 defending Japanese survived; 10,000 civilians were killed, among them a lot of children. Japanese â€Å"bashed their babies’ brains out of rocky cliff sides†¦ children threw grenades at each other.†17,000 Americans ...

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Recent Changes in Indian Capital Markets

Recent changes in Indian Capital markets Introduction A capital market is a market for securities (debt or equity), where business enterprises (companies) and governments can raise long-term funds. It is defined as a market in which money is provided for periods longer than a year, as the raising of short-term funds takes place on other markets (e. g. , the money market). The capital market includes the stock market (equity securities) and the bond market (debt).Money markets and capital markets are parts of financial markets. Financial regulators, such as the UK's Financial Services Authority (FSA) or the U. S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), oversee the capital markets in their designated jurisdictions to ensure that investors are protected against fraud, among other duties. Capital markets may be classified as primary markets and secondary markets. In primary markets, new stock or bond issues are sold to investors via a mechanism known as underwriting.In the secondary ma rkets, existing securities are sold and bought among investors or traders, usually on a securities exchange, over-the-counter, or elsewhere. The primary market is the channel for creation of new securities. These securities are issued by public limited companies or by government agencies’ In the primary market, the resources are mobilized either through the public issue or through private placement route. It is a public issue if anybody and everybody can subscribe for it, whereas if the issue is made available to a selected group of persons it is termed as private placement.There are two major types of issuers of securities, the corporate entities who issue mainly debt and equity instruments and the Government (Central as well as State) who issue debt securities. These new securities issued in the primary market are traded in the secondary market. The secondary market enables participants who hold securities to adjust their holdings in response to changes in their assessment of risks and returns. Industry raises finance from the Indian capital market with the help of a number of instruments. Corporate have a choice of : – (1) Equity finance, and 2) Debt finance. Experience in the different countries has varied. Substituting equity finance for debt finance makes domestic firms less vulnerable to fluctuations in earnings or increases in interest rates. During the last decade, more than a third of the increase in net assets of large firms in Chile, South Korea, Malaysia, Mexico, Taiwan and Thailand has been secured through equity issuance. This pattern contrasts sharply with that of the industrial countries, in which equity financing during the same period has accounted for less than 5 percent of the growth in net assets.The recent massive structural reforms on the economic and industry front in the form of de-licensing rupee convertibility, tapping of foreign funds, allowing foreign investors to come to India, have resulted, on one hand, in the qua ntum leap in activities/volume in the Indian capital market, and on the other hand and more importantly, that the Indian capital market has undergone a metamorphosis in terms of institutions, instruments, etc. The capital market in India is rightly termed as an emerging and promising capital market.The buoyancy in the capital market has appeared as a result of increasing industrialization, growing awareness globalization of the capital market, etc. Several financial institutions, financial instruments and financial services have emerged as a result of economic liberalization policy of the Government of India. Future of the capital market In the liberalized economic environment, the capital market is all set to play a highly critical role in the process of economic development.The Indian capital market has to arrange funds to meet the financial needs of both domestic and foreign resources. What is more critical is that the changed environment is characterized by cutthroat competition . Ability of enterprises to mobilize funds at cheap cost will determine their competitiveness vis-a-vis their rivals. Changes in the capital market Four sets of changes in the Indian capital market can be identified which set the market of the twenty-first century different from what obtained earlier.These can be categorized as follows:  »Introduction of new institutions  »Introduction of new instruments  »Changes in administrative control and regulatory framework  »Some recent initiatives Introduction of New Institutions The composition of the Indian capital market has undergone a total change. Till very recent times, Bombay Stock Exchange dominated the capital market in India. The daily turnover on the Bombay Stock Exchange (BSE) alone exceeded the total turnover of all other exchanges put together.The BSE with the monopolistic claw like control over the market was posing a severe constraint on the spread and diversification of the capital market culture. It was content wi th practicing non-transparent time and resource consuming trading practices that failed to evoke confidence among new investors, both in primary and secondary market. Its trading practices were becoming somewhat totally out of tune with the ongoing communication revolution in India and worldwide. In response to this, the most important are the OTCEI and NSE.What is more important is that the NSE has worked as a catalyst of change for other exchanges, which are introducing on-line trading systems. Along with NSE, mutual funds have also emerged in the country. Different types of mutual funds catering to the needs of different types of investors have been set up in the country. The increasing growth of the capital market has witnessed the mergence of foreign institutional investors (FIIs) as significant players. Their sale and purchase decisions are already having a significant impact on the market conditions.Along with these new players, a set of new supporting institutions have also emerged on the horizon such as the Discount and Finance House of India, Securities Trading Corporation of India, Stock Holding Corporation of India, settlement and depository systems, etc. Introduction of New Instruments Capital market instruments are responsible for generating funds for companies, corporations and sometimes national governments. These are used by the investors to make a profit out of their respective markets. There are a number of capital market instruments used for market trade, including – * Stocks Bonds * Debentures * Treasury-bills * Foreign Exchange * Fixed deposits, and others Along with new institutions, new instruments have emerged on the capital market. These encompass both the domestic instruments and foreign instruments. Many new instruments of finance have already been introduced in recent years. Still, the current intensity of the Indian financial market reveals that there is a tremendous scope to deploy new financing instruments connected to eq uity, debentures, bonds, add-on products and derivatives.This may require appropriate changes in certain economic legislations and the will on the part of the Indian corporate enterprises to take risks and tune their decision-making to the investor psychology and market preferences. Changes in Rules and Regulations Responding to the changes in the environment, the administrative framework has also undergone a total overhaul. The earlier chains have been totally removed. The Controller of Capital Issues has been done away with. The Indian capital market has been left free to find its own depth and strength.However, it is a paradox of a free market economy that whenever chains are removed effective watchdogs have to be employed. This latter function has now been entrusted to the Securities and Exchange Board of India. Under the Securities and Exchange Board of India Act, 1992, the Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) was formed as an autonomous body empowered to regulate the stock exchanges, brokers, merchant bankers, mutual funds, underwriters and various other financial advisors and market intermediaries.The two pronged fundamental objectives of SEBI became investor protection and the orderly growth of the Indian Capital Market. The SEBI has been laying down guidelines to be followed by different players in the different segments of the market. Some Recent Initiatives  »Buy-back of shares by corporate has been permitted; this will enable the promoters of Indian companies to consolidate their positions.  »Disclosure of end use of funds raised in public issue in annual statements; it will impart transparency to the manner in which the funds raised from the public are deployed.This will also impose greater accountability on companies.  »One-time waiver of capital gains tax for corporatization of stock broking tickets; this will result in speeding up the pace of professionalization of stock broking operations, which will benefit investors.  »Provi sion of nomination facility in share certificates; this will ease procedures for transfer of shares in the names of the nominee in case of death of the shareholder. In short, the capital market has witnessed metamorphic changes in recent past and is all set to meet the varied needs of the changed liberalized economic environment.Globalization and the Indian capital market With the gradual opening up of the Indian economy, increasing importance of foreign portfolio investment in the Indian markets and drastic reduction in import tariffs that has exposed Indian companies to foreign competition, Indian capital market is acquiring a global image. Till recently, participants in the Indian capital market could largely afford to ignore what happened in other parts of the world. Share prices largely behaved as if the rest of the world just did not exist.At present, in sharp contrast to recent past, Indian capital market responds to all types of external developments, like US bond yields, th e value of the peso or for that matter of any other currency, the political situation in China, or new petrochemical capacity in South Korea, etc. In short, the Indian capital market is on threshold of a new era. Gradual globalization of the market will mean four things, as follows:  »The market will be more sensitive to developments that take place abroad. There will be a power shift as domestic institutions are forced to compete with the FIIs who control the floating stock and are in control of the GDR market.  »Structural issues will come to the fore with a plain message: reform or despair.  »The individual investor in his own interest will refrain from both primary and secondary market; he will be better off investing in mutual funds. Reference http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Capital_market http://www. bostonapartments. com/loans/finance/indian-capital-market. html http://www. advancedtrading. com/infrastructure/227500220? pgno=1

Monday, September 16, 2019

Educatinal Technology Essay

Examine three (3) of the issues you feel are most important in shaping the role of technology in education. Analyze why they are most important ones The role of the education in this global world is increasing each day. There are a lot of ways, strategies and approaches to increase quality of education. One of most effective way is integrating technology in to the education. That is called educational technology. There are a lot of advantages of technology in the class but I will give information about three advantages of technology in the classes which are freedom, equality of the education and creativity. Technology in the education is giving more freedom to teachers and students. How? As a mathematics teacher in a public school I can give examples from my own experiences. I use smart board and smart pad in my classes. I prepare my lesson plan as software and I reflect on the board or on the screen. While I am walking around the class I can teach. I don’t have spent my time for writing the definitions or questions and cleaning the board. I don’t have turn my back to the students which is helping me for classroom management. As another example when I am teaching geometric figures even three dimensional figures now my drawing is not a problem anymore. With Mimio smart board I can visualize better. My students have more time to learn. And I put my class notes to website for students who missed the day or who couldn’t understand well. They still have chance review everything that they missed. I think this is the most important issue for role of the technology in the education. It is giving more time for teaching. It is another sole role of the technology in teaching, giving equal opportunity to all students. There are a lot of people who are seeking for education but they cannot reach it because of lack school or teacher . Maybe it is not common in U. S. A but around the world it is common. For these people technology is only hope. Or some people like me who have to support a family and want to get a degree; online education is the only way. With technology everybody has an opportunity to learn. For some special and minor issues technology is helping us so much too, for instance I have a student who is dyslexic. To make him focus to class and understand better tablet computers are very helpful. In my country Turkish Government is giving free tablets to all students. The last and I think most important benefit of the educational technology is increasing creativity. With standing front of the board and giving lecture we cannot individualize the education. It is a known fact every bodies learning way and level is different, from this perspective each person is unique. Especially if there is a big diversity in the class lecturing will not help. And if all students learn the same thing with same way it will not develop their creativity conversely it will decrease the creativity. To enhance students’ creativity we have to integrate technology in the education. With this way the students can learn with their own way and level. There is a web site that I use in my math applying classes (www. studyisland. om) , at the beginning of the year students are taking a diagnostic test and depends their results system is giving a unique way to each student, may be the system is not perfect but the idea is so beautiful. In twenty first century we are aware of that education is more complicated than we taught. Teachers are facing with different problems such as dyslexia, ADHD/ADD, asperger syndrome. To individualize education technology is very helpful. Increasing technology using will develop creativity ,freedom and opportunity in the education. ———————– Page | 1 Page | 1

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Communicable Disease Paper Essay

Hepatitis B is a viral infection that is caused by the hepatitis B virus (HBV). It attacks the liver and can cause both acute and chronic disease. Acute HBV is less than six months and ones immune system is able to fight and clear the infection. Chronic HBV lasts longer than six months and ones immune system is unable to fight the infection leading to liver failure, cancer or cirrhosis. Occasionally chronic HBV can go undetected for years due to a person being asymptomatic (Mayo Clinic, 2011). Mode of Transmission In highly infected areas of the world, HBV is most commonly spread from mom to baby at birth or from person to person in early childhood (World Health Organization [WHO], 2013). The HBV is also spread via parenteral contact with infected blood or blood products, sharing of or accidental needle sticks and having unprotected sex with one who’s blood, saliva, semen or vaginal secretions are infected and enter your body (Copstead and Banasik, 2010). Signs and Symptoms Signs and symptoms of HBV may never appear or appear over a two to six month period. Signs and symptoms include abdominal pain, dark urine, fever, joint pain, loss of appetite, nausea and vomiting, weakness and fatigue and jaundice (yellowing of the skin and or sclera) (Mayo Clinic, 2011). Complications Having chronic HBV can lead to serious life threatening complications such as, cirrhosis, liver cancer, failure, hepatitis D infection or kidney failure. Liver cirrhosis occurs when HBV has caused inflammation to liver leading to scaring and formation of fibrotic cell tissue that blocks hepatic blood flow and cell function. This in turn results in overgrowth of new cells attempting to regenerate causing decreased liver function Liver cancer and failure can occur if a patient has cirrhosis due to being a risk factor (Copstead and Banasik, 2010). Treatment Treatment of HBV is supportive. Care focuses on nutrition, hydration and comfort (WHO, 2013). For those who have been infected with acute HBV, may not even need treatment but only management of symptoms. Those infected with chronic HBV may need more invasive treatments such as, antiviral medications or need a liver transplant (Mayo Clinic, 2011). Antiviral medications are used to slow and fight the virus from destructing the liver. Liver transplants are an option if a patient has end-stage liver disease where traditional treatments have not worked and are a qualified candidate (Copstead and Banasik, 2010). Demogrphics Approximately 60,000 people die every year from HBV (WHO, 2013). There are about 200 billion people living around the world with HBV with an estimated 1. 2 million living in the United States (CDC, 2013). In 2011 the United States was estimated to have 18,800 actual new cases of the HBV (CDC, 2013). Those who are at greatest risk for developing HBV are Asian and Pacific Islanders, African Americans, gay and bisexual individuals, those who have multiple sex partners and do not practice safe sex or are intravenous drug users. Gay and bisexual men make up 20% of new HBV cases and 50% Asian and Pacific Islanders are living with HBV (CDC, 2013). Most Asian and Pacific Islanders were infected with HBV as infants or children and 1 in 12 are living with it and are not even aware. Determinants of Health Environmental factors such as living conditions, social networks and social support systems are all key drivers for one becoming infected with the HBV. For example, a homeless person who has a poor health status, is uninsured, unemployed and has a lack of education is more likely to be diagnosed with HBV. Also certain races are more likely to be infected with the HBV, as stated above, Asian and Pacific Islanders make up 50% of the population living with HBV (CDC, 2013). In addition there is a lack of resources available to protect, improve and maintain one health due to the cost and lack of good health services to individuals with low socioeconomic backgrounds. Therefore, focus needs to be made on improving access to care as well as treating the environmental and social factors of health. Epidemiologic Triangle The epidemiologic triangle is used to analyze the natural history of a disease. It asses the agent â€Å"what†, host â€Å"who† and environment â€Å"where† (Maurer and Smith, 2013). The biological agent for hepatitis B is a virus. The host’s demographics can range from infancy into adulthood and any race is susceptible to the virus. The body’s defenses are more likely to fight off acute than chronic HBV. A person’s behavior as well plays a large role in one becoming infected. Those who are intravenous drug users or have a history of multiple sex partners are my susceptible to developing HBV. Environmental factors based on social and economic considerations could be direct person-to-person contact of bodily fluids via kissing or sexual intercourse or receiving contaminated blood products from infected individuals. Within the workplace, an individual could accidently prick himself or herself with a contaminated needle increasing their chances of becoming infected. Role of Community Health Nurse It is important for the community health nurse to educate and promote prevention of HBV. Teaching risk reduction interventions and strategies such as not having unprotected sex and using condoms can help prevent transmission of hepatitis B. For those who have already become infected with the HBV it’s important to provide timely referrals for sexual health related services to further prevent others from becoming infected. Making the hepatitis vaccinations more accessible and available is an effective way to prevent hepatitis B. Educating health and human service providers about hepatitis B promotes quality of care and awareness as well as reduces chances of transmission. Ensuring adequate resources are available (state and local surveillance) to accurately monitor disease trends, transmission and how effective treatment is can improve and ensure correct data collection. It’s also important that the nurse refers patients to accessible care and treatment facilities so that compliance can be obtained and the rate of transmission, morbidity and mortality can be reduced. National Organization The World Hepatitis Alliance is a non-profit international umbrella non-governmental organization that represents every region of the world with viral hepatitis. They raise awareness, reduce the stigma associated with viral hepatitis, work with the WHO and provide preventive care as well as support and access to treatment. Their goal is eradication of HBV and HCV. They plan on achieving this goal by having more countries with a complete hepatitis strategy in place, regional patient organizations in all WHO regions, on going support for global hepatitis groups, acceptance at a global level of HBV and HCV, increased alliance and a more diversified funding base for the alliance. Conclusion There are two billion people worldwide that are infected with HBV and more than 350 million are infected with chronic liver infections, which increases their risk of death significantly (Maurer and Smith, 2013). Fortunately, there is a vaccine for hepatitis B but it has not become easily accessible to those in developing countries. This is a virus that can be prevented if individuals are being educating on the causes and risks as well as ways to protect themselves. It is up to us healthcare providers to spread awareness and makes our patients more knowledgeable about the types of communicable disease in our world so that they can make healthy choices.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Lord of the Flies: Symbols And Conflicts Essay

In Lord of the Flies, written by William Golding, deals a lot with characterization. Each character symbolizes certain personality traits. Ralph, Jack and Simon and their symbolic importance are characters with the most symbolism for their characters. Ralph, the impression of being a tall boy with fair hair, was chosen as the chief by the other boys, which shows the natural civilized instinct within humans. He possesses the leadership qualities of man, but does not have the initiative that is needed when being a leader. For example, when Jack says â€Å"You shut up,† Ralph does nothing to stop Jack from insulting Piggy or from hitting him. Ralph does not have the initiative to protect his friend or punish Jack for his misbehaviour. Ralph was deeply troubled by the murder of Simon, which symbolized the humanity left in them. When Jack and his hunters were supposed to be watching the fire, they instead went off to hunt. They did successfully kill a pig, however this sparked conflict between Jack and Ralph, as there was a ship and Jack may have destroyed their rescue. This kill not only symbolized the start of their savagery, but it also caused the first conflict. The next hunt was not just the kill of a pig, but a mother pig. This is much worse, as when you kill the mother pig you also kill the piglets. Those piglets have no one to rely on and will die shortly. Unfortunately the savagery did not stop there. Although it could be argued that it was an accident, Simon was murdered by the hunters. The real symbolism of savagery in this situation is the complete lack of remorse felt by Jack and his group. Simon is one of the younger boys and he stands out from the rest. Simon seems calmer than the other boys and doesn’t jump to conclusions. He represents the â€Å"Christ figure† in Lord of the Flies. Simon represents the recognition of good and evil. Simon is the one who finds out that the beast does not exist, and is the one who finds out that evil lives among all the boys. Once Simon died, all evidence of good left with him. The only thing left on the island is the boys’ evil instincts. It is quite amazing how Golding added many different symbols to describe the story that may not be noticed. Golding achieves his goal of expressing the story in an in-depth manner with the use of symbols.

Into the Wild by Jon Krakauer Essay

â€Å"Two years he walks the earth. No phone, no pool, no pets, no cigarettes. Ultimate freedom. An extremist. An aesthetic voyager whose home is THE ROAD,† (163) and with those words, Chris McCandless declared his independence and walked into the wild bush of Alaska in May 1992. Little did he know that in three short months, his decaying remains would be found by moose hunters, only a few miles from where he began his journey along the Stampede Trail. Chris McCandless’s story, which was retold in John Krakaur’s book, Into the Wild, is a true testament to the idea of freedom and independence that has powered the foundation of American society. Chris McCandless had always marched to the beat of his own drummer, as did many American heroes. Even when he was a child, Chris was known for being overly adventurous and a little less than cautious. This great sense of adventure frightened Chris’s family and friends ever since they noticed it when he was just a child. Because of this, his parents were horrified, but not completely shocked, when one day Chris departed from his typical life in Atlanta, Georgia and was never heard from by his family again. As a graduate of Emory College, Chris’s future potential would have been almost unlimited; he had so much ahead of him but threw it all away and spent the rest of his life on the road. What McCandless was searching for by leaving his safe life cannot be easily understood by most, but many transcendentalists shared a similar understanding of Chris’s â€Å"call to nature. Transcendentalism rejects typical culture or society and is often marked by a love of nature and a pursuit for a greater meaning of life. Many parallels can be drawn between Chris McCandless’s story and the stories from authors such as Walt Whitman. Many transcendentalists like Walt Whitman and Chris McCandless turn to the open road to get a better understanding of life, but in doing this, Chris puts his â€Å"secure future† in jeopardy by abandoning his former identity, giving up all of his possessions, and relying solely on the land. Chris gives up his life of security when he decides to alter his whole identity. Although Chris was raised in a seemingly tight knit family, in college he discovered that his parents’ marriage was the result of an affair, and his father maintained a bigamous relations for two years (121). After that discovery, Chris started to resent his parents, especially his father. His absolute anger towards his parents is what finally caused Chris to completely cut them off from his life as he ventured into the wild. In his two years being away from home, Chris’s family never heard from him once; even his sister, Carine, who was very close to Chris, never spoke to him again. Chris’s sudden absence in his family’s life hurt each member deeply. His father even questions, â€Å"How is it that a kid with so much compassion could cause his parents so much pain? † (104). Although he knew he was hurting his family by leaving, Chris’s lack of concern for his family members stemmed from the hurt he felt that they each caused him. Walt Whitman’s character in Song of the Open Road does not find it as easy as Chris did to leave the past behind. The speaker of the poem writes, â€Å"Still here I carry my old delicious burdens, I carry them, men and women, I carry them with me wherever I go. † This line shows that the author still carries memories and feelings from his old life with him on a daily basis, which exemplifies how hard they are to forget. This regretful attitude contrasts to that of Chris’s in that the speaker doesn’t want to completely leave the past behind but desires to recall his memories during future journeys. Not only did Chris directly cut off his family in order to leave his old life behind, but he also adopted a pseudonym that he felt was more fitting to his new personality. Kraukauer describes Chris’s final transformation and says, â€Å"No longer would he answer to Chris McCandless; he was now Alexander Supertramp, master of his own destiny† (23). This new, outrageous name truly enabled Chris to leave his past of reason and safety behind and move forward to his new life of freedom and adventure. Not only did Chris completely alter his identity but his absolute resignation of worldly positions also put his future safety at risk. Before leaving for his journey and without his parents’ knowledge, Chris donated his entire college fund containing 25,000 dollars to OXFAM, a hunger relief charity (20). This gesture really proves Chris’s complete release of security and lack of consideration for worldly possessions. After starting his long journey with no money, Chris almost immediately abandoned his old yellow Datsun in a riverbed in the Lake Mead National Recreation area. He decided to do this after a flash flood wets the cars engine as a result of his failure to acknowledge the flood zone warning signs. In reality, Chris could have found a way to save his car but instead was exhilarated by the event and saw it as â€Å"an opportunity to shed unnecessary baggage† (29). At the same time, Chris burned his last small amount of money and â€Å"one hundred and twenty-three dollars was promptly reduced to ash and smoke† (29). After this, Chris’s journey was one that literally started from nothing; He had no money, no car, no food, and no one but himself. Chris’s dire need to get rid of every worldly possession greatly endangered his life. The speaker in Walt Whitman’s poem agrees with Chris’s opinion that worldly possessions are unimportant. When the speaker says, â€Å"You shall not heap up what is call’d riches, you shall scatter with lavish hand all that you earn or achieve,† he is expressing his belief that wealth should be shared among many and not kept for one individual. Chris really exemplifies this concept by donating all of his money to those who were less fortunate than him. Chris’s last major risk to his life and security is his trip to Alaska. After a year and a half of traveling around the United States, Chris finally planned his trip to Alaska, which had always been his utmost goal. Chris went into his journey extremely ill equipped for the harsh months that would lie ahead of him in the Alaskan bush. Jim Gallien, an experienced woodsman who gave Chris a ride to the Stampede Trail, described Chris as having nowhere near as much food and gear as would be expected for that kind of trip (4). The only food Chris brought with him was a ten-pound bag of rice; he planned on shooting the rest of his food with a gun that by Gallien’s standards was too small to kill any major game. When questioned repeatedly on his plans for survival, Chris confidently assured Gallien, â€Å"I am absolutely positive I won’t run into anything I cant deal with on my own† (6). Chris’s overconfident attitude is what angered many experienced woodsman who replied to Krakauer’s first article about Chris. They complained that Chris was just foolish and naive for thinking he could take on Alaska alone with almost no experience or gear. One Alaskan hunter even states that only one word can sum up Chris McCandless: incompetent (177). Chris didn’t see his life like this however. He felt prepared and excited for anything the world could throw at him. His completely believed in himself and lived by the notion that nothing or no one could discourage him from his journey. The speaker in Walt Whitman’s poem is extremely similar to Chris McCandless in the sense that they both lived to travel the â€Å"open road† in order to experience life to the fullest. Whitman’s speaker says, â€Å"Afoot and light-hearted I take to the open road, healthy, free, the world before me, the long brown path before me leading wherever I choose. Both the speaker and Chris have an idealized view of living on the road and will not let anything deter them from it. Throughout his early life, Chris somewhat conformed to the traditional values and ideals encouraged by his parents and society. It wasn’t until he grew older that he decided to act upon his yearning escape it all and to travel and live in nature. He left his old, secure life behind for one filled with adventure, mystery, and danger. This action, which was looked down upon by many members of society, directly relates Chris to transcendentalist beliefs like those of Walt Whitman. Chris put his safety and security on the line by renouncing his former name, giving up worldly possessions, and venturing out in dangerous in foreign territory and these choices ultimately caused him his life. Even though it may not have been seen as sensible by many, Chris created his own path in life, and although it led to his death, the nomadic experience was what he always desired. Chris writes at the beginning of his final decent into nature, â€Å"No longer to be poisoned by civilization he flees, and walks alone upon the land to become Lost in the Wild† (163).

Friday, September 13, 2019

Dorthy Orem Self Decfict Nursing Theory Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Dorthy Orem Self Decfict Nursing Theory - Essay Example As such, the nursing profession is meant to intervene by simply facilitating self care where necessary through education or supportive means to help subjects learn about self care. The theory emphasizes the essence of the patients’ or groups’ participation in facilitating their care. It facilitates healthcare provision through education, direct action, guidance, support and provision of the appropriate environment for engaging in self care. In spite of the proven efficiency of the theory in aspects such as addressing the root cause of health problems, the theory faces challenges that arise from non-compliance to educational values delivered due to complacency and negligence. This review of the theory not only reviews the overall aspects of the theory, but also the probable application, efficiency, challenges and improvements necessary. Introduction Nursing theories are derivatives of conceptual frameworks with principles and doctrines that define the underlying basis of nursing practice. Unlike the name suggests, they are not purely opinionated and theoretical, but rather supported by actual knowledge that has proven their applicability through time. The theoretical aspect originates from the fact that they were theoretically formulated, but in actual sense they have been proven as being effective through their application as functional elements of nursing practice. The concepts of nursing theories define and characterize the nursing practice. In a nutshell, nursing denotes a human interaction developed to foster health by working within the boundaries of the patient and his environment (Dennis, 2008). According to Orem, the practice is both therapeutic and supportive. The supportive aspect is meant to enhance wholeness in the event of a patient’s experience of failing health by facilitating care that the patient cannot achieve through personal efforts. There are numerous theories that support and define the practice of nursing, but this pa per particularly highlights Dorothea Orem’s â€Å"Self-Care Deficit Nursing Theory,† which is a middle range theory that makes up the three theories under her grand theory. Dorothea Orem’s grand theory was developed during her working experience which included serving as a nurse practitioner, educator, administrator and consultant. It is during her engagement with the development of the education field of nursing that she formulated the theory as part of her dissertation works at the masters’ level (, 2012). Orem’s Self-Care Deficit Nursing Theory The self-care deficit theory is mainly based on the principle of encouraging patients to be independent in the facilitation of their own care. It is the central focal point in Orem’s grand theory. The theory defines when nursing intervention is deemed necessary (Dennis, 2008). It also describes how patients and groups of people in need of healthcare can get helped by nursing inter ventions. The application of the theory often comes to play when the involved subject/s are unable to facilitate self-care. The inability to administer personal care when in need of healthcare is what gives the theory the deficit denotation. As such, the theory is used in identifying cases with deficit of care, where the subjects in question are unable to sufficiently undertake steps that guarantee them good health. According to the theory, nursing serves